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I see God move in a mighty way in my life, and it astounds me.  Even, now I’m still awestruck at the way He’s changed me in the last few months.  At nearly 57 years old, I never thought change was even possible or that God could still use me. 

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Oh me of little faith.

The transformation began when I took a 10-week small group experience at my new church called Rooted.  The program consists of daily homework assignments designed to teach you more about God and Jesus, while also emphasizing service to others, prayer, being in the Word regularly, and sharing the Good News.  Each Rooted group is led by a facilitator and meets weekly to discuss the homework, as well as engage in activities, such as a volunteer experience and

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few hours (yes, HOURS) in prayer.

I have no problems with daily homework, which is well within my wheelhouse as a diehard nerd, but group interactions make me nervous since I’m an introvert.  This means I’m cautious by nature in social settings and I’m not a person who joins in things, mostly because I fear rejection.  I also refrain from voluntarily joining in group discussions, although I will say something if someone calls on me.  And I will typically sit on the periphery because that’s where I feel I belong.

But in Rooted I collided with . .

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. God, the God who helps you and upholds you with His righteous right hand, the One who pares away the branches that do not bear fruit, the One who made you in your mother’s womb, and the One who can transform you, even when you least expect it.

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I suppose it helped that my group consisted almost entirely of introverts, including the facilitator, who showed me it’s actually possible for an introvert to be an incredible leader.

Under God’s sunny fruit slothand and her guidance, I suddenly blossomed like a flower on the first day of Spring.  I surprised myself when I began volunteering response to questions and participating in discussions because I actually began to feel as if I had something valuable to say.  I became open and vulnerable instead of hiding behind the walls I usually erect, a vestige of a difficult childhood.betesporte site oficial

I even began volunteering to pray out loud.  ganhar dinheiro com slotsTo make this clear, I rarely volunteer to pray aloud because I say the lamest prayers imaginable.  A five-year-old could devise more articulate prayers.  But, for the life of me, I could not suppress the urge to volunteer.  I not only prayed aloud at group meetings, I even prayed aloud for complete strangers during our service event.  My prayers still sounded halting and lacking to my ears, but the coordinator of the event said the highlight for her was my ganhar dinheiro na roleta“bold,” heartfelt prayers for people.

Even better, our group of introverts bonded and grew closer as everyone began to shed their masks and open up to each other.  I credit not only God, but also our intrepid facilitator, who led with an earnest authenticity, vulnerability, a deep-seated faith in the Almighty, and a gentle, caring spirit.  Our facilitator and the  wonderful gals in my group helped Rooted to become one of the top 10 experiences of my life, right up there with getting married, being baptized, passing the bar exam, arguing in the California Supreme Court, and having wonderful dogs.

The Rooted experience7games baixar o baixar alone would have been an incredible blessing, but God was not done with me.  Towards the end of the 10 weeks, while we were beginning to transition to becoming a regular life group, the facilitator, who was transitioning out of the group, suggested I should praycasinos bonus about being a co-facilitator of the life group with another gal in the group.

The old me would have immediately said n

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o based on that horrible leadership experience at my old church, the one that ended in abject failure and convinced me I have absolutely no leadership skills, a fact confirmed by a spiritual gifts test, where leadership scored dead last.  I swore I’d never lead anything ever again.  I claimed I had PTSD leadership and that God had made clear I’m not a leader and never would be one.
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However, during a sermon, God showed me that He could redeem the horrible church leadership experience if I’d let Him.  The question hanging in the air was: would I have the faith to allow Him to do just

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-facilitator of my group. In doing so, I’m learning to rely more on Him and to have more faith in Him.  I’m leaving the safety of the shore and I’m wading into deeper water, where He beckons.  I know now that relying on my own strength and abilities will only lead to failure; instead, I must rely on Him and Him alone and trust that He can use even a broken and tarnished vessel like me to do His will and bring Him glory. 

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